Tuesday, February 25, 2020

ToolsCorp Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

ToolsCorp Corporation - Essay Example This they do through newspapers by having a special edition on selected days of the week. Though the company has some good foundation in places like Canada not to mention the United States, they have a plan to broaden operations to wider markets. Thus, they seek to have a vibrant business plan that would have the role the program on a large scale. SWOT Analysis: Strengths ToolsCorp Corporation is a well-recognized company especially in Tennessee and almost 80% percent of the people are well aware of the company. Furthermore, a good number of those living in the United States know the company. In this sense, the company has got a well-structured base because of the majority of the people who know about the company. Many people who deal with a variety of tools have a liking for the company tools because the company stocks everything needed by the customers. In this respect, the customers have a reliable source where they get the products. This makes the company on the brink of stepping into the next level. ToolsCorp Corporation is a company that is known by the quality of the products it produces and also, has a loyalty that is very high and competitive. The company has got a distribution network that is organized and structured. Everywhere in Tennessee, the company has got connections in terms of outlets. These outlets become the major link points in reaching out to the rest of the places (Fine, 2009). This makes the company to be at an advantage based on the ability to reach to many customers. ToolsCorp Corporation also sells the products at wholesale and retail. The customers are able to get the products at a relatively lower rate. This makes it possible for the retailers and the wholesalers to buy in bulk from the company because of the lower rates. The products are able to serve the interest of almost all the people who seek to have the products. Free consultancy is given to anyone who buys from the company. ToolsCorp Corporation also has an online operating system where people can access information on the tools that are produced by the company. The company also has innovative methods of producing products based on the needs and expectations of the consumer. The company would seek to build more on the quality of the products for the sake of expansion to other markets. The company builds the tools with the environment in mind so the tools do not degrade the environment. The market prices are fair compared to other companies. These strengths are key in having the company go full scale into conquering other markets (Rath, 2007). The company also uses mainstream media to advertise the company products. These include newspapers, television, magazines and stereo. Weaknesses ToolsCorp Corporation in different instances has faced stiff competition from competitors. This has sometimes made the company sales to decline. This has made the company to suffer losses in unprecedented rate. The company also suffers from poor marketing methods. Even t hough the company tries a lot of advertisements, they fall short in meeting the high standards of advertisements. This has been a major problem as many of the company’s competitors use this loophole to win other customers. The production tools used by the company sometimes take time before they are delivered. This slows down production. It is not possible for the company to sometimes reach out to other

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Globalization and the effects on developing countries and MNCs Dissertation

Globalization and the effects on developing countries and MNCs - Dissertation Example Opinions differ on the extent of change and the impact that it has created.This change has taken place due to what is now commonly known as ‘Globalization’.Globalization according to Frankelmeans integration through international trade of markets in goods and services, financial integration through international trade in assetsGlobalization leads to the formation of a big commercial enterprise where the industrialized nations are favored at the expense of other nations, says MacPherson (2001).Today globalization means differently to different people. Globalization is integration through international trade of goods and services with the help of certain measures and regulations. Globalization is the concept of moving towards single-world society. In this effort there has been rising share of economic activity in the world. The aim was to open the world market to everybody and was thought to be a solution to social and economic disorder prevailing in the world. Globalizati on has brought about significant changes in the global economy. The term globalization has been embraced by politicians, academics, journalists and commentators. Globalization continues to grow in its effort for a coherent global economy previously separated by culture, geography, or nationality.While globalization provides opportunities to many people, it has also caused impoverishment to many groups and societies. Globalization has led to rapid and sudden changes in information and communications, which too has advantages and pitfalls. There are conflicting stands on this issue.