Saturday, December 28, 2019

Definition and Examples of Disjuncts in English Grammar

In English grammar, a disjunct is a type of sentence adverb that comments on the content or manner of what is being said or written. Put another way, a disjunct is a word or phrase that explicitly expresses the stance of a speaker or writer. Also called a sentence adjunct or sentence modifier. Unlike adjuncts, which are  integrated into the structure of a sentence or clause, disjuncts stand outside the syntactic structure of the text they are commenting on. In effect, says David Crystal, disjuncts look down from above on a clause, making a judgment about what it is saying or how it is phrased (Making Sense of Grammar, 2004). As explained below, the two basic types of disjuncts are content disjuncts (also known as attitudinal disjuncts) and style disjuncts.   The term disjunct is sometimes also applied to any of  two or more items connected by the disjunctive conjunction or. Etymology: From the Latin, to separate Examples and Observations Without a doubt, one of the  most popular and influential television shows  from the 1960s is the original  Star Trek  series, created by Gene Roddenberry.(Kenneth Bachor, Five  Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Original  Star Trek. Time,  September 8, 2016)Strangely enough, they have a mind to till the soil, and the love of possessions is a disease in them.(Sitting Bull, Powder River Council Speech, 1875)â€Å"As weve discussed, the information you brought us has been, shall we say, a bit thin.  To be perfectly candid, my government feels as if were being played.†(Jeffrey S. Stephens, Targets of Opportunity, 2006)But sadly, one of the problems with being on public radio is that people tend to think youre being sincere all the time.(Ira Glass, quoted by Ana Marie Cox and Joanna Dionis in Mother Jones, September-October, 1998)Regrettably, the book is no longer in print, but copies can be found in libraries and secondhand bookshops.â€Å"Well, cou ld you sleep? the Count asked the next night upon his arrival in the cage.â€Å"Quite honestly, no, Westley replied in his normal voice.(William Goldman, The Princess Bride, 1973)Hopefully, the book will inspire readers to a wider interest in weather, atmospheric science, and earth science in general.(Keay Davidson, Twister. Pocket Books, 1996)Hopefully--and Other Commentary Disjuncts- Its time to admit that hopefully has joined that class of introductory words (like fortunately, frankly, happily, honestly, sadly, seriously, and others) that we use not to describe a verb, which is what adverbs usually do, but to describe our attitude toward the statement that follows. . . . But be aware that some sticklers still take a narrow view of hopefully. Will they ever join the crowd? One can only hope.(Patricia T. OConner, Woe Is I: The Grammarphobes Guide to Better English in Plain English, rev. ed. Riverhead Books, 2003)- Long before the controversial use of hopefully came along, it was p ossible to marshal words like happily, fortunately, foolishly, cleverly, in dual roles, as manner adverbs or disjuncts: He spent all his money foolishly or Foolishly, he spent all his money; He landed fortunately in a haystack or He landed in a haystack, fortunately; She did not weave all of the tapestry cleverly, Cleverly, she did not weave all of the tapestry. All the howling about hopefully, all the moralizing and execration, ignored the fact that a pattern of usage already existed, and that the hated word was merely taking up an available position. Other words of the same kind are currently being treated in the same way. One of them is regretfully, which is now being used as a commentary disjunct with the meaning It is to be regretted that . . . (Regretfully, we cannot serve early morning tea). This usage might be criticized on the grounds that we already have a perfectly adequate commentary disjunct in regrettably, and that there can be no good reason for pressing an impostor i nto service. Users, however, are stubbornly unanswerable to the gods of good reason.(Walter Nash, An Uncommon Tongue: The Uses and Resources of English. Routledge, 1992)Style Disjuncts and Content DisjunctsThere are two kinds of disjuncts: style disjuncts and content disjuncts. Style disjuncts express comments by speakers on the style or manner in which they are speaking: frankly as in Frankly, you have no chance of winning ( I am telling you this frankly); personally in Personally, Id have nothing to do with them; with respect in With respect, it is not up to you to decide; if I may say so in They are rather rude, if I may say so; because she told me so in She wont be there, because she told me so ( I know that because she told me so). Content disjuncts comment on the content of what is being said. The most common express degrees of certainty and doubt as to what is being said: perhaps in Perhaps you can help me; undoubtedly in Undoubtedly, she is the winner; obviously in Obviously , she has no wish to help us.(Sidney Greenbaum, Adverbial. The Oxford Companion to the English Language, ed. Tom McArthur, Oxford University Press, 1992)

Friday, December 20, 2019

In Reality Therapy The Environment Or - 797 Words

In reality therapy, the environment or counseling or psychotherapeutic atmosphere includes which of the following? Answer Selected Answer: d. All of the above Correct Answer: d. All of the above Question 2 2 out of 2 points DBT was initially developed to treat: Answer Selected Answer: d. Borderline personality disorder Correct Answer: d. Borderline personality disorder Question 3 2 out of 2 points The developer of dialectical behavior therapy is: Answer Selected Answer: a. Dr. Marsha Linehan Correct Answer: a. Dr. Marsha Linehan Question 4 2 out of 2 points In choice theory, human motivation springs from which of these five sources? Answer Selected Answer: b. Survival, belonging, power,†¦show more content†¦Answer Selected Answer: d. All of the above Correct Answer: d. All of the above Question 12 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is not consistent with REBT theory? Answer Selected Answer: a. Events or other people make us feel bad or good. Correct Answer: a. Events or other people make us feel bad or good. Question 13 0 out of 2 points In the A-B-C model proposed by Ellis, the factor that creates the emotional and behavioral consequences is: Answer Selected Answer: a. Activating event Correct Answer: c. Beliefs Question 14 2 out of 2 points _____________ is the behavioral intervention used to gradually increase the quality of a behavior. Answer Selected Answer: a. Shaping Correct Answer: a. Shaping Question 15 0 out of 2 points DBT targets behaviors in descending order beginning with ________. Answer Selected Answer: a. triggers Correct Answer: c. suicidal behavior Question 16 2 out of 2 points According to REBT, certain values promote emotional adjustment and mental health. Which of the following is not one of these values? Answer Selected Answer: b. Low frustration tolerance Correct Answer: b. Low frustration tolerance Question 17 2 out of 2 points DBT utilizes a behavioral technique in which the client learns to tolerate painful emotions without enacting self-destructive behaviors known as:Show MoreRelatedThe For Reality Therapy, The Environment Needs For A Good Rapport With The Client1228 Words   |  5 Pages For Reality Therapy, the environment needs to be friendly. It is important to build a good rapport with the client so that the client will trust the counselor. Roles between the counselor and the client should be clear. The counselor should provide a needs-satisfying environment, physical and emotional safety, and security connectedness. the office should be a fun space, but at the same time the counselor should not accept excuses for irresponsible behavior. The therapist might begin the therapeuticRead MoreReality Therapy915 Words   |  4 PagesReality Therapy was developed by psychiatrist William Glasser (1925). 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Peter Rose, the Baseball Player free essay sample

A discussion on Peter Roses investigation and its effect on his career. This paper examines Peter Roses life and career and examines he was not allowed into the baseball Hall of Fame. The author also discusses in great detail Peters 1989 investigation by a baseball commissioner. It seems almost impossible to deny the fact that Pete Rose had a serious gambling problem. Like many such problems that lie in the gray area between psychological and physiological (for gambling, while not clearly biologically based like a drug addiction may well contain a biological element, for the brains of people with addictions to everything ranging from gambling to cigarettes exhibit similar brain chemistry), gambling is something that is very difficult to control. And one of the reasons that it is in fact so difficult to control is the fact that those in the grips of such an addiction so not see how bad their state actually is. We will write a custom essay sample on Peter Rose, the Baseball Player or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Denial is a central element of the disease. Pete Rose was a great player. His playing merits recognition in the Hall of Fame. But his actions as a human being off the field should deny him that position.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Documenting Minutes At Professional Meeting -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Documenting Minutes At Professional Meeting? Answer: Introduction Organizations around the world develop new ideas to win the market race in the present world. The success of any organization depends on various factors that range from management of resources to the management of time and finance. One important factor is to manage meetings (Harvard Business Review, 2017). Whether it is a group meeting, a team meeting or board meeting- meetings are a crucial part of any organization. The following report demonstrates the several nuances of a meeting. It explains the reason for a meeting, the type, communication tool used and so on. Agenda is a crucial part of any meeting, which has also been discussed in the report. The minutes of the meeting provides all the details discussed. The success of any meeting relies on the active participation of the members of an organization. it is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that the meeting is productive. Discussion To proceed with the task, first it has to be understood what a meeting means and in what way it is significant for an organization. Meetings help members of the organization understand the shared aim of the team or the group and the means by which they can contribute to its success (Allen et al. 2014). It provides a platform for individuals to interact and express their views. A meeting can be either productive or useless; this depends on how it has been managed by the leader. Organizing a meeting The launch of a new product of the company is programmed to take place next month. A meeting has been scheduled for all the employees to give inputs of the event of the launch. The meeting would allow the employees to learn about the product such as its specifications before it reaches the consumers. The company has a good reputation in the market and boasts of a great number of loyal customers. With the launch of the new product, the company plans to increase its customer base and expand the business as well. The company also aims to widen its target consumer as it has been focusing mainly on women. The new product is likely to appeal to both the genders. The meeting is being held to discuss the details of the launch and possible program that lead up to the main event. The manager expects cent percent participation of the staff. All the employees are asked to give prior information regarding their availability (Allen and Rogelberg 2013). Mode of Communication The time, venue and date of the meeting are communicated to the employees via email. The mail is to be sent to the official mail IDs of the employees giving details regarding the meeting. The employees are to revert to the mail with an acknowledgment that confirms are their participation. The first detail that is to be included is the time of the meeting. It has to be clearly mentioned with instructions to attend the meeting on time. The second is the venue of the meeting that is to be stated in the mail. Although the employees are aware of the meeting venue, still since the meeting is regarding the launch of a product, the meeting venue must be themed on it (Allen et al. 2012). This information has to be unmistakably conveyed to the employees. The next detail to be added in the mail is the date of the meeting, which might be included with the time. There has to be at least a ten to fifteen days window for the employees to prepare for the meeting. Further, the mail has to have details regarding the dress code to be followed at the meeting. Then, the employees must be asked to give prior notification if they have any issues with the time or the date of the meeting. The email also must contain the virtual signature of the convener of the meeting. The Agenda Every meeting ends successfully if it is backed up by a concrete and well-defined agenda. Preparing an agenda helps the attendees and the convener have a clear idea of the issues and ideas that are to be discussed. A meeting without an agenda has o direction and results in an unproductive end to the meeting. Therefore, it is very essential for any organization or a company to set an agenda before holding a meeting. The agenda for the product launch has to include a complete list of topics to be covered at the meeting. The agenda must begin with the details of the things that are to be covered during the meeting. The agenda for the product launch meetings lists topics of such as: Members required for the meeting Members whose participation is not mandatory Evaluation of action items Classification of fresh action items Analysis of issues and Evaluation of new issues The above list has to be discussed one by one with all the participants present in the meeting. to be precise, the first thing in the agenda is to identify employees who are involved with the product launch and whose participation is of utmost importance. Next, those not involved in the product launch are also welcomed to be a part of the meeting but their participation is not mandatory. The next items that follow are elaborated to the attendees. The product specifications, targeted buyers, expected returns and so on are all discussed. Minutes of the meeting The minutes are the notes taken during the meeting that assist employees who are unable to attend the meeting and want to know what was discussed. The responsible persons for future references store minutes carefully (Gutmann 2016). The points discussed in the meeting for the product launch included the features of the product, possible threats to the product, chronology of events of the launch and celebrities approached to launch the product. The companys chief executive officer was invited in the meeting. The CEO gave an introductory speech to boost the employees. The absentees apologies were read out to the participants in the meeting. Thus, the conclusion drawn from the above report suggests that every company or organization considers meeting to be crucial part of management. Meetings are held not just to welcome a new employee or discuss a new product or a new idea; meetings are held to encourage group dynamics, a friendly workplace, and healthy interaction. Meetings are a way to let the employees know that the company values their views and opinions. The above report mentions the different elements that need to be kept in mind while conducting a meeting. Developing procedure for formal meetings Standard agenda of the meeting In order to call a meeting, it is necessary for the person who has been assigned the task to develop the meeting procedure, to fix the agenda first (Williams, 2015). Since the organizational structure has changed from the last annual meeting, he or she has to study the previous meetings minutes. The agenda for the case organization incorporates along with the standard pattern: Officers Present- Names of directors and managers in order of their posts Names of those who attended the meeting Guests- Members invited by the organization Members and envoys- Enlists the members of the organizations and their substitutes present in the meeting. The officer who chairs the meeting welcomes the delegates and members and extends his gratitude to the attendees of the AGM (Banko et al. 2013). The chairperson then orders for the commencement of the meeting after substantiating the required number of members present. The notice of the meeting, then the speech, the auditors report, follows these steps and finally the items of agendas of the meeting are taken up for contemplation. Answer 2: Preparation for the meeting The chief purpose of the meeting is to introduce the new members of the organization and explain the new structure. In addition to that, new posts are to be assigned to the senior members of the organization. The decision of the board of directors for the opening of a new department is to be announced in the annual meeting as well. The minutes taken from the previous year AGM has to be read out by the treasurer and distributed to the members at the time of the meeting. All the details regarding the financial status of the organization also to be informed by the treasurer. The meeting is to be held at the conference room of the organization. There is a separate section reserved for the media at the meeting venue. In addition, the conference hall has space to chair 500 delegates. Separate accommodation has been allotted to the shareholders and foreign delegates. Answer 3: Type of Meeting The meeting is going to be a formal general meeting that takes place after the end of every financial year. The setting is the conference hall of the organization where the boards of directors take seat in an elevated platform facing the other members and delegates. A separate provision for web conferencing has been set up for the members who are unable to attend the meeting in physical. Answer 4: Procedures to be taken An annual formal meeting cannot be successful without following certain procedures (Braley and Sarah 2014). To make a meeting happen, one should make sure that the following points have been checked and met with: First is the budget- Conducting a meeting asks for expenses. The one responsible for arranging the meeting has to makes sure that the guests and attendees as well as the media persons are given all facilities, from accommodation to lunch and everything (Rogelberg, Shanock and Scott 2012). The second part is the transportation- The manager has to ensure that everyone attends the meeting and for that, he or she has to look after the transportation facilities. Anyone missing the meeting due to transportation problem sends out a negative message about the organization and its management. The next crucial part is to have pre-meeting documentation- Every member attending the meeting has to be given prior documents regarding the meeting. This allows the participants to prepare for the meeting and make considerations if any. Other important parts of the procedures may include the opting of a date, the venue of meeting, equipments required and so on. Answer 5: Dispatching meeting papers The efficiency of a formal meeting depends on the fact as to how well the participants are informed. In order to do that, the manager must allow the participants enough time to learn about the upcoming meeting. It can be done by dispatching the meeting papers beforehand. Now, the perfect time of dispatch has to be decided very carefully, as it cannot be sent too early or too late. One should make sure that the papers are dispatched at a time that enables the attendees to read, consider and respond back (Baran et al. 2012). The documents may be dispatched either by email or through letters. Email is an easier and time saving option. Papers sent through emails also allow participants to revert with an acknowledgment instantly. This method also benefits the organization economically as it saves the extra expense. Answer 6: Chairing Meetings It is a big responsibility to chair meetings, as the chair has to take care of the minutest things. Chairing meetings thus is not an easy task to do (Peni 2014). To ensure that the meeting is productive the chair must guarantee the given points: Supervising the meeting and ensure that is runs smoothly Check if the meeting starts and ends within the allotted time Check if all the members are present Check if all the items of the agenda are covered time to listen to expert views if any Make sure that the results are comprehended and appreciated End the meeting with an appreciation and gratitude note for all participants. The chair also documents recommendations made by the participants during the meeting (Hilb 2012). He or she then allots particular tasks to his or her team member to carry out certain responsibilities. Answer 7: Designing Agenda Designing an agenda is the most important part of a meeting. it becomes easier to manage meetings if there is a set agenda available. It ensures that the meeting is productive and ends on a positive note. Agendas may be preset by the organization and some rules might have to be followed while designing it but commonly a typical format is followed by organizations to conduct meetings. A customary agenda includes items such as: Association Date, time and place of the meeting Date of subsequent meeting Common business Chief agenda items Issues or business occurring from the minute Reports Declaration of the meetings intention Welcome note and so on. Answer 8: Participation of the meeting The anticipated accomplishment of a meeting decides what number of members should participate in a meeting. Excessive participation might slow and baffle the decision-making and less participation might result in insufficient representation. The chair of the meeting has to remain focused and attend to every participant. His or her role is to listen to the recommendations made, the idea proposed and issues raised by the members. Certain powers are also vested upon the chair while a meeting is conducted. The chair can also give personal views on any matter raised during the meeting (Kauffeld and Lehmann-Willenbroc 2012). Along with these powers, the chair must also possess the quality to encourage members to participate in the meeting. Answer 9: Conventions to be followed by minute taker In every meeting, a minute taker records the proceedings of the meeting and stores them for future purpose. The minute taker has to be active and a good listener. Various functions are performed by the minute taker that include- agenda preparation, noting minutes while meeting takes place, clarifying confusions with the chair, getting approval for the minutes and dispatching them to participants. The minute taker has to follow certain conventions while noting down the minutes (Smith 2013). He has to have knowledge of the previous minutes and subsequently format them as per the requirements of the meeting. Answer 10: Transcribing the meeting A meeting should be transcribed through reliable resources that ensures future availability when need arises. However, the organization has to have a personal record of the meeting (Svennevig 2012). The basic thing to do is to install an audio device that would record proceedings in a clear and accurate manner. Although the organization incorporates various ways to transcript a meeting, it is always recommended that an expert transcription service be hired. Answer 11: Distribution and storing of minutes The chairperson approves the minutes after thoroughly going through the details at the end of the meeting. After the minutes are approved, they have to be distributed and stored properly. It is mandatory that the minutes be to be disseminated inside a week of the meeting. These minutes have to be distributed to all the attendees of the meeting, to the ones who have sent explanation for absenting the meeting and to other acknowledged stakeholders. The minutes then have to be stored safely for the next annual meeting of the organization. The minutes must be stored in both hard and soft copies and each member must have a copy of it. Answer 12: Reports of the meeting The report must contain a gist of the meeting. Reports are generally a precise overview of the minutes recorded during the meeting (Nyqvist 2015). This may include the decisions taken, the changes made, the motions moved in favor and against if any, recommendations and such. Other than that, the report may also contain, among other things, the next meeting date and venue, the possible invitees, the number of participants and likewise. The report can also include the names of new members introduced, new posts assigned and other changes that occurred in the organization at the meeting. References: Allen, J., Beck, T., W. Scott, C. and G. Rogelberg, S., 2014. Understanding workplace meetings: A qualitative taxonomy of meeting purposes.Management Research Review,37(9), pp.791-814. Allen, J.A. and Rogelberg, S.G., 2013. Manager-led group meetings: A context for promoting employee engagement.Group Organization Management,38(5), pp.543-569. Allen, J.A., Sands, S.J., Mueller, S.L., Frear, K.A., Mudd, M. and Rogelberg, S.G., 2012. Employees' feelings about more meetings: An overt analysis and recommendations for improving meetings.Management Research Review,35(5), pp.405-418. Banko, J. et al., 2013. Earnings Management and Annual General Meetings: The Role of Managerial Entrenchment. The Financial Review, 48(2), pp.259282. Baran, B.E., Shanock, L.R., Rogelberg, S.G. and Scott, C.W., 2012. Leading group meetings: Supervisors actions, employee behaviors, and upward perceptions.Small Group Research,43(3), pp.330-355. Braley, Sarah J.F., 2014. Meetings Mean Business, a national campaign to showcase the value derived from all types of business meetings, has been relaunched. Meetings Conventions, 49(2), p.19. Gutmann, J., 2016.Taking minutes of meetings. Kogan Page Publishers. Harvard Business Review. (2017).How To Run a Meeting. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct. 2017]. Hilb, M., 2012.New corporate governance: Successful board management tools. Springer Science Business Media. Kauffeld, S. and Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., 2012. Meetings matter: Effects of team meetings on team and organizational success.Small Group Research,43(2), pp.130-158. Nyqvist, A., 2015. The corporation performed: minutes from the rituals of annual general meetings. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 4(3), pp.341355. Peni, E., 2014. CEO and Chairperson characteristics and firm performance.Journal of Management Governance,18(1), pp.185-205. Rogelberg, S.G., Shanock, L.R. and Scott, C.W., 2012. Wasted time and money in meetings: Increasing return on investment.Small Group Research,43(2), pp.236-245. Smith, L.S., 2013. Documenting the minutes at professional meetings.Nursing management,44(3), pp.48-51. Svennevig, J., 2012. Interaction in workplace meetings.Discourse studies,14(1), pp.3-10. Williams, D. (2015). In the Chair: How to Guide Groups and Manage Meetings.BJPsych Bulletin, 40(3), pp.167-167.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Inequality and American Democracy

Introduction The Americans are globally famous for their relentless support for democratic governance. Jacobs et al asserts that the ideals of democratically responsive governance are highly cherished by the American people (3). Ironically, the situation is markedly different within the American government even as they actively support democracy in other countries. With the growing inequality issues in the country, the ideals of democratic governance have been highly compromised.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality and American Democracy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The major disparities existing are mostly noticeable within the public domain (Jacobs et al. 3). Primarily, the issue is about income differences, opportunities for wealth creation and equal citizenship (Jacobs et al. 3). These gaps are growing rapidly in the United States compared to any other country in the world. Yet the US still conside rs herself the world’s greatest advocates of democracy. The American government is making little or no progress in the efforts to realize the democratic ideals set forth by the founding fathers of the nation. Equal rights The American society is the most culturally diverse in the world and this comes with a number of challenges as well. There were steps made to achieve equality in the 1950s and 1960s at the height of racism. Racial segregation and exclusion became illegal and socially unacceptable hence moving a step towards equality (Jacobs et al. 4). This allowed the white and black community to access education in the same schools and get access to health services in the same health facilities. This was a good gesture towards democratic governance. It is also worth noting that major gender based barriers started to break down during the same time and women were empowered to pursue academic, political, and economic opportunities just as men did (Jacobs et al. 4). Other marg inalized groups like the Latin Americans also got access to equal rights on an equal footing with the rest of the Americans. Notably, the previous barriers that promoted inequalities such as race, gender, ethnicity to mention but a few do not exist today. Nonetheless, new barriers that are fostering inequality in the American society have emerged and they are rapidly spreading within the government and the country at large posing a threat to the realization of democracy. The greatest of these barriers is the gaps in income and wealth between the Americans (Jacobs et al. 4). The gap between the rich and the poor is greatly increasing owing to disparities in income especially in the private and the civil sectors. This gap is increasingly creating a major segregation in the job market as well as in schools and colleges. Apparently, the rich and the wealthy are better positioned to cease opportunities that are out of reach for the middle and lower income classes. Consequently, the rich are in a position to get richer while limiting access to resources by the poor man. That is why the saying that the rich will continue to get rich while the poor man becomes poorer is very true.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some element of racist treatments is also present in school among students. In America today, one has to work very hard in order to maintain his or her current economic position (Jacobs et al. 5). One would expect that through hard work, there would be an upward mobility in the economic ladder but that is not normally the case in the US. Inequality in contributions on national matters Voicing the needs of the American people has never been easy and only a selected few can do this. The opportunity to exercise one’s right in the US does not come easily as there are factors that influence the ear of the government. These factors include a high income, occup ational or career success, and high levels of academic achievements (Jacobs et al. 4). Members who fit in these criteria are more likely to participate in political, social, and economic decision-making process than the ordinary citizen is. Government officials are more likely to listen to the needs of such elite citizens and deliver on their demands more promptly. Unfortunately, this is the bitter truth and the reality of the American government amidst its call for democratic governance around the world. Voting turnout has also declined since the beginning of the 21st century when the income gap began to grow rapidly. Statistics show that the majority who vote are also the elite while the low-income earners decline to exercise their democratic right to cast their votes. How does the decline of voter turnout relate to inequality? A number of decisive factors discourage or make the voting process a struggle for the electorate. The economic inequality is a major factor that discourage s the less economically privileged eligible voters from voting. There are also some laws in some states that forbid the minority from voting and a good example is the law forbidding prisoners and former prisoners from voting (Verba, Lehman, and Brady 1). In addition, the current methods of campaigns are keen on raising funds and persuading the already existing voters to vote. A more different approach is necessary to woo the non-voting yet eligible voters to get out and exercise their rights. Through campaign contributions, the rich and wealthy folks have a leeway to express and voice their demands as the platform gives them an advantage over the poor folks. Today, one can only gain justice and political influence through money and affluence thus leaving the poor man out of the standard bar. The least contributors in the national campaigns are the poor ordinary citizens while the few political donors are in charge in the political arena due to their financial influence. In order to exercise the rights of citizenship, one requires resources and skills. These requirements are only accessible to the wealthy hence the inequality. People with higher education and great careers such as doctors and lawyers among other professional have more confidence to speak compared to an ordinary citizen working as subordinate staff. Naturally, the nature of American politics gives no voice to the poor while the rich and affluent get enough attention at the expense of the poor man.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality and American Democracy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Jacobs et al argues that three quarters of the well-off citizens are in one way or another associated with an organization that has great influence on the political arena (10). They also noted in their research that half of the wealthiest people in America are in contact with public officials. This gives the rich double access to publ ic resources compared to the middle and low-income earners in the US (Freeman). Government responses Government officials are highly influenced by the privileged citizens. The response of the government today in America no longer represents the will of the majority. A selected few wealthy men and women determine the future of the vast majority which is not a principle of democracy. Money has become the essential for government attention. Ironically, the already wealthy and advantaged citizens who are able to take care of themselves are the most catered for by the government. Democratic rule should ensure equality and fairness with the majority influencing the political stands. Nonetheless, in America, it is a reversed role since the minorities hold the realms of power while the majorities ride under the mercies of the few wealthy citizens. Through money, the wealthy establish relationships with government officials creating a connection that enables them to access national resources that are out of the ordinary peoples reach. This gives them a further advantage despite the fact that they already have an advantage over the poor with their wealth and money. This disparity is among the issues that are widening the gap between the rich and the poor. The gap grows wider because the more one earns, the more they gain access to resources and consequently the further the resources get away from the poor man’s reach. The effect is cyclic in that one direction influences the other. The affluent also influence government policies as well and normally, policies will always consider the needs and demands of the wealthy business communities and organized groups (Frankenberg, Orfield, and Lee). The government is always bias when responding to national issues normally bending to the side that favors the rich (Skrentny). The government is moving towards a more tragic direction by allowing a few affluent individuals to take the country hostage. The lack of spread opportu nities and the gap between the rich and the poor is a disastrous condition in any economy. What this does is that the ordinary citizen will get discouraged and be reluctant to participate in national activities. This may include voting and working, which contributes to the national financial muscles, to mention but a few. Conclusion In the United States of America, democracy is only known theoretically and not as a practical state of affair. This paper has established the facts about government inequality and bias treatment of its citizens. The striking income disparity in the country is not a good example of a democratic nation since it is in contradiction with the idea of democracy. In the above research, it is clear that democracy is not as easy to achieve as it sounds and the quality of political leaders as well as the political will to pursue democratic governance highly counts.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The financial gap between the American citizens is creating a division not only affecting social interaction but also economic and political well-being. The voter turnout for instance has been on the decline since the beginning of the 21st century just when the gap begun to build up. This clearly means that income disparities greatly influence the political structure of a country. Democracy is a good leadership model that allows for equal social, economic, and political opportunities for all citizens without favoritism. The government under democratic principles must always work towards engaging the majority rule and open access of power and influence to the majority as opposed to a select few. That is the real essence of democratic governance. Works Cited Frankenberg, Erica, Chumgmei Lee, and Gary Orfield. A Multiracial Society with Segregated Schools: Are We Losing the Dream? Cambridge, MA: Harvard Civil Rights Project, 2002. Print. Freeman, Richard. Working under Different Rules. A National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report, New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 1994. Print. Jacobs, Lawrence, and Robert Shapiro. Politicians Don’t Pander Political Manipulation and the Loss of Democratic Responsiveness, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. Print. Jacobs, Lawrence et al. American Democracy in an Age of Rising Inequality.  Task Force on Inequality and American Democracy American Political Science Association. 5 Sep. 2012. Web. Skrentny, John. The Minority Rights Revolution, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002. Print. Verba, Sidney, Kay Lehman, and Henry Brady. Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995. Print. This essay on Inequality and American Democracy was written and submitted by user Joslyn Carver to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Write a Personal Statement for Medical School

How to Write a Personal Statement for Medical School How to Write a Personal Statement for Medical School Personal statement for a medical school is a challenge. Medicine is a challenging and exciting subject in general. How to lay down your soul in front of a stranger and explain that is your dream to study medicine and at the same time sound reasonable and capable of doing so? It is not a secret that medical schools try to find and attract the best applicants. You have to be young, you have to be motivated, you have to have the guts and the capabilities and sometimes even that is not enough. So how to make yourself visible with a single statement? Basics of writing personal statement for medical school First, a personal statement for medical school shows who you are and why you want to study medicine. Second, you have to distinguish yourself from the rest in the personal statement; show that you are more capable than the others, more enthusiastic and that you are the one who deserves to be accepted. You have to start writing your personal statement for a medical school by showing yourself, what drives you, what interests you in the medical field, what are your values, beliefs, interests, etc. Make a strong introducing sentence, add everything that will make you closer to the people reading your personal statement for a medical school capturing their interest and making them acknowledge you. And it is not only who you are, but also who you want to be after you graduate. What are your goals, dreams and future achievements? Planning a personal statement for medical school Before starting to write a personal statement for a medical school, in fact before starting to write whatever, you need to prepare notes and a plan. You must have those notes memorized and be able to reconstruct them at all times because this is your future plan of life. You must have the strongest evidence why you want to study medicine. This is not a random choice; it is something that you have been preparing for a long time. The reasons for studying anything are deeply personal and so it is your motivation on it. You simply need to sit aside and put on paper why you want to do that. You also have to consider who you are writing to. You have already targeted a couple of universities. Your statement will be considered and read by a committee of people for ten or fifteen minutes. What they will be looking for is your MCAT scores, GPAs, recommendations and applications, so write and emphasize on that. Useful advice in writing a personal statement for medical school There are some other useful pieces of advice on writing a personal statement for medical school. There are some things that you should avoid: First, writing personal statement for a medical school is not your resume, especially in a narrative form or a confession. This is not a plea for acceptance. It is very important not to use conceptions that you do not fully understand. Stick to the basics. Also, avoid using slang or abbreviations. This is not a statement about how your life is unfair to you, what it means for you or for your religion, how important a friend or a close person’s sickness was to you. This is about you, being a non-specialist who writes to a smart and intelligent audience. What are your actions so far in a medical field? This is the essential and most important part! Have you done some research, internship, voluntary work or whatsoever that shows that you do really have interest in that profession even after gaining a firsthand experience because let’s be honest, that is not an easy job and having a real taste of it shows whether you are really capable of doing it. Make your statement flow. Use good English and right punctuation. At the end, keep an eye on the word count. Your statement has to be well-organized and sharp, do not get the reader bored with too much information! Proofread the essay and make sure that all information is proper and accurate.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Identify the major sources contributing to the changes in patterns of Essay

Identify the major sources contributing to the changes in patterns of paid employment for women in Ireland in the 20th century 1900-2000 - Essay Example Women were not allowed to stand for parliament; only single women could hold property in their name. After marriage women were expected to hand over their property and even their wages to their husbands. Towards the late 19th century, feminist movement gathered pace and the participation of women in this movement increased. Two women, based in Dublin and Belfast led the initial movement in the 1860’s to change the law on women’s property rights. Unfortunately the membership of the Irish feminist movement belonged exclusively to the middle and the upper classes of society. The credit for true feminist movement to attract women from all classes of society goes to James Connolly. He emphasized that women should become involved in the social struggle and this was reflected in the Irish Citizen Army’s insistence on treating women on an equal footing with men (Hartnett). During the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, labor and trade union movements in Ireland were stronghold of male supremacy and women made little progress. The protectionist policies excluded women and the male was supposed to support the family without the need of his wife to engage in paid employment. The women’s suffrage movement encountered opposition from the labor activists who were satisfied with the 1884 Reforms Act which gave all powers to the man to run the family (Richardson, 2004). The suffragists recognized the need that women should also have the right to vote by getting the vote for women on the same terms as men. This suddenly led to the fear that middle and upper class women might get the vote before many working men did. Women were constantly harassed and subject to organized and random acts of violence. The trade union activists resented women workers and were reluctant to offer any practical help. This hostility towards women damaged t he entire working class. The women became a part